Liquid Rubber - 3D Character Moose Designed in Blender

26 Oct 2023

Liquid Rubber - 3D Character Moose Designed in Blender


Liquid Rubber, a renowned Canadian company providing roofing supplies, aimed to create a 3D character "Moose" as their brand mascot to enhance brand recognition and customer engagement.


The challenge was to design a character that embodies the brand's values, appeals to a broad audience, and can be easily animated for various marketing campaigns.


We collaborated with Liquid Rubber’s marketing team to understand their vision for Moose and developed several concept sketches before moving to detailed 3D modeling in Blender.
  • Designed a slightly cartoon-like character, following the client's video reference.
  • Created a fully rigged 3D model, including body and facial rigging, allowing the character to talk, move, and express emotions.
  • Delivered short animations with green screen backgrounds to allow for flexible use in marketing materials.


The creation of Moose successfully helped Liquid Rubber build brand recognition and provided multiple use cases across marketing campaigns.


Liquid Rubber


3D Model Creation

Start Date

16 October, 2023

End Date

26 October, 2023